Thursday, December 27, 2012

tortuous path full of bends, ups and downs

One day, a calf needed to cross a virgin forest in order to return to its pasture. Being an irrational animal, it forged out a tortuous path full of bends, up and down hills.


The next day, a dog came by and used the same path to cross the forest. 

 Next it was a sheep’s turn, the head of a flock which, upon finding the opening, led its companions through it.

Later, men began using the path: they bent down, deviating obstacles, complaining and cursing – and quite rightly so. But they did nothing to create a different route.


After so much use, in the end, the path became a trail along which poor animals toiled under heavy loads, being forced to go three hours to cover a distance which would normally take thirty minutes.

   Many years passed and the trail became the main road of a village, and later the main avenue of a town. Everyone complained about the traffic, because the route it took was the worst possible one.

 Meanwhile, the old and wise forest laughed, 
at seeing how men tend to blindly follow the way already open, without ever asking whether it really is 
the best choice.

 -- sometimes we go through life just following the current, ranting about things like this like that. But we never stop and think that maybe there is another way, a better way. 

And that way is just waiting to be discovered. 

that is a friend!


Two boys used to go to school together.
One of them had a bad habit of stealing the chocolates from his friend’s bag.

One day he felt guilty about what he was doing… So he wrote a letter as he didn’t have the courage to confess directly.

“I have been stealing your chocolates… I’m sorry for that…’
  The other friend smiled reading it, and sent a letter back:
“Don’t worry. I know about it… That’s why I keep chocolates in the same place in my bag…’

A friend  is someone you can talk with about a problem, someone who is always there when you need a hand, someone you can trust with your deepest secrets, someone who makes you laugh, or even someone you can poke on Facebook. And a friend can be anyone or anything: a parent, a sibling, a classmate, a pet, a stuffed animal, or even invisible.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

day after CHRISTMAS

It is the day after Christmas.

People are...
To simply put it tired, restless, and uninspired.

Why do I say so?
Well like I sad it is the day after CHRISTMAS.
And we get to work 3 days this week then no more work again cause it will be NEW YEARS EVE. ahaha who wouldn't be LAZY.

I for one would rather just stay at home, lounge in my soft, wonderful, peaceful bed. but of course as a grown up I have to WORK!! 

My work schedule was really really empty, hehe which I hate so thank heavens for the absentees that my schedule fuller than before.

greedy much.

I did promise to post a blog everyday... But it appears that it is a little constraining to my schedule.

I do not know if I can blog during work, but maybe I can. hahahaaa... We will see. (evil grin)

LIke I said I am going to work ahhh... so tiring!

juggling things like these, like that... haha Don't get me wrong I love my job but it is not my profession.

I am blinded by the allure of it being easy, fun, simple and well the pay is not so good. BUT it is a hella better than that of my profession. so tsk tsk tsk....

AHH... still have a long list of topics I want to blog.

maybe later's baby. - ohh I'm going to get a shirt with that line. hahaa

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas is almost over, my cousins and I made plans to watch a movie later. EXCITED much.


BTW we just opened the gifts I save up for quite a long time, I only have gifts for my mom and my youngest bro cuz I runned out of funds. hahaa.

But I like how my mom was so HAPPY cuz she can now buy her new SPORTS shoes.

So every one ...

so I might dish out what I feel and felt for this season. But not now don't want to ruin a good mood mornight for me. 
Also I will retell all the things I did on Christmas.

for now I'm signing out! 

goodbye for now, I'll post soon. Have A great Sleep EVERYONE! 

tired EYES

I love reading books, I really do and cause of that it took a toll on my eyes.

12 years of reading and my eyesight is stating to fade.

I use to have 20/20 vision.

Now my eyesight is 75/20 and 50/20 with severe astigmatism.
too much reading would do that to you. hehe

to be clear never did took care of my eyes so it's all on me.
I read on the bus, on the car, on the bed well pretty much everywhere.
I use real books and now i use online book/ ebooks which are worse for my eyes.

my eyes worse for wears. 
IS this my future!! Hell no!! I love reading, I love reading and I would not stop hahaha!!
I'll just take better care of my eyes.

Reading is a gift for those who
 understand and love it. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

my love for books

I love reading, its the best thing in the world for me. 
I love it for what it does to my life.

  1. whenever I feel BLUE, I go to my books to find solace from the characters who doesn't exist. But I feel more connection with them than those around me. 
  2. whenever I am bored, they keep me company. they make me CRY, LAUGH, SCREAM, FEAR, WORRY, DOUBT, BELIEVE, TRUST, and all the things you can POSSIBLY feel. 
  3. whenever I doubt, and think that "I CAN'T". They're always there giving me hope, strength, courage, and most of all belief in myself. that HEY if they can do, "WHY THE HELL CAN'T I".
  4. whenever I feel lost, I go to their world and remember mine. That their's is a great world but mine can be better if I do something about it. 
  5. whenever I am me, and remember all the INSECURITIES, the FEARS, the WEAKNESSES, the DOUBTS, the DARK TRUTHS about me. They remind me that no one is perfect, that this characters written inside them are far from perfect but they get by so... YOU who is real and can CHANGE still has hope. JUST don't loose yourself, believe and do your BEST. That's all we can do and hope. HOPE for a better future.  
  6. whenever, whenever... they are there. AND I AM VERY HAPPY. just cause they are THERE! 
- gruesome truth.
painful truth

And oh yeah! just thought you should know they complete me!
and most of all... I see the world the way I do because of my great teachers. 

1. Mary Lennox
2. Sara Crew 
3. Anna Fitzgerald 
4. Adeline Yen Mah 
5. Elizabeth Bennet 
6. Jane Eyre
7. Josephine "JO" March 
8. Lyra Silvertongue 
9. Lucy Pevensie 
10. Emma BAngai Hen
11. Matilda 
12. Anne Shirley 
13. Anidori-Kiladra Talianna Isilee
14. Madeline 
15. Ginger Foutley

early Morning!


ohh, I woke up early today! 6 ish something... heard noises down stairs so I went to check it out. haha found mom and auntie chitchatting about what to cook tonight for our 

dream dinner
But here is a good morning picture to make us all happy and jolly! 
Enjoy the beautiful morning sunshine.  

something I, we,all of us truly DESIRE!

"I've been waiting for such a long time, 
and now I am happy to say that 
finally... I don't need to seek or look, 
for I have found the one thing 
I truly want and am looking for.... 
and that is YOU!"

I've dreamed a thousand times to say those words, but I guess I still need a million more before I can utter those words I have thought of since I can remember. 

Maybe someday, someday maybe I can say this lines. 

Maybe someday, someday maybe I will have my very own dream,  happy ending,  fairy tale,  dream come true,  happy ever after that every girl dreams of. A PRINCESS wedding fit for a QUEEN. 

Just like every girl I dream of the same thing. but alas it's all a dream. Till it becomes a reality.

But would there really be any happy ending if I still don't have my BEGINNING

How? How? How? How can I start?
Where? Where? Where? Where do I begin?

.... what is wrong with you?? (I and people around me ask that question and I don't know the answer.) - another blog will be made for this issue.

 I hope to have this someday.

Bella and Edward (twilight)

Blair and Chuck (Gossip Girl)
Their Journey wasn't easy, there were more DOWNS than UPS, but they held on. 
So EVERYBODY hold on, you'll have the happy ever after that you 

I want one too. 


I made my 30 minute pasta recipe for dinner tonight!!

I loved it (duhh I made it of course I'd love it ) haha
 = = = > LOVE YOUR OWN !! cause that's a way to find fulfillment.

tuna bacon pasta in buttered garlic and parsley sauce

GLOATING aside... I'm pretty wicked with a wooden spoon.

I am so full tonight and later on I might eat another serving... hehe

--- currently watching the GLEE PROJECT 2 like the show but hmm. tad bit not there for me. I like the first season more. 

Lend me an EAR!

if you pause a moment and listen to what your heart, your soul says to you. You might just find happiness that you've never thought exists.
"do something to make your soul happy"
Just pause a moment.

frustrated and stressed

Argghh!! I know nothing about this and its stressing me out.

I read like a ton of

"teach me how to edit my blog articles"
and this is not helping. starting to think I'm a computer illiterate. uhh reality is starting to suck but. I wont give up.

What's life without a little challenge, right?  hehe

Keep a positive attitude and that will help you get over everything.

I'll get this done, I'll learn and I'll kick ass.

here goes nothing. 

but hey I'm loving blogging, just freely saying my thoughts. hahaha 

*straight from the heart. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

my first blog.


Well this is something new to me, I once heard that writing helps get rid of the crazies in you so here I am writing. 

This is a tell all blog I have, MY opinions, suggestions, thoughts, preferences, worries, loves, problems, I guess pretty much EVERYTHING in my head will be placed here like a cyber DIARY. hahaa.... so if you dislike it well THAT'S YOU not ME. 

Nobody will read this anyway, (something I wantonly believe).

I am planning to do this for a whole year meaning 365 day, 12 months 52.1775 weeks 8765.81 hours 525949 minutes 3.156e+7 seconds 3.156e+10 millisecond 3.156e+13 microsecond 3.156e+16 nanosecond 

hope I can finish it!! unlike most of my the things I started. I hope at least this one I can do.