Sunday, December 23, 2012

something I, we,all of us truly DESIRE!

"I've been waiting for such a long time, 
and now I am happy to say that 
finally... I don't need to seek or look, 
for I have found the one thing 
I truly want and am looking for.... 
and that is YOU!"

I've dreamed a thousand times to say those words, but I guess I still need a million more before I can utter those words I have thought of since I can remember. 

Maybe someday, someday maybe I can say this lines. 

Maybe someday, someday maybe I will have my very own dream,  happy ending,  fairy tale,  dream come true,  happy ever after that every girl dreams of. A PRINCESS wedding fit for a QUEEN. 

Just like every girl I dream of the same thing. but alas it's all a dream. Till it becomes a reality.

But would there really be any happy ending if I still don't have my BEGINNING

How? How? How? How can I start?
Where? Where? Where? Where do I begin?

.... what is wrong with you?? (I and people around me ask that question and I don't know the answer.) - another blog will be made for this issue.

 I hope to have this someday.

Bella and Edward (twilight)

Blair and Chuck (Gossip Girl)
Their Journey wasn't easy, there were more DOWNS than UPS, but they held on. 
So EVERYBODY hold on, you'll have the happy ever after that you 

I want one too. 

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